Friday, December 09, 2005

Oddball: The Visible Man

Just a quickie here, don't have time to lay it all out in detail.

This is normal oddball rules, but with a twist. Everyone starts off with active cammo on. When you pick up the ball, you loose the active cammo. So who ever has the ball ends up sticking out like a sore thumb while everyone else is just a slight blur. I think I'd also make sure the person holding the ball moves at normal speed to counter the advantage the other players have. Probably default weapons on the map, no vechiles, turrets at your own discression.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Ninja antics

I was just listening to the Podtacular podcast and they were talking about a game type called "ninja CTF". Everyone starts off with active cammo, but when you pick up the flag, the cammo goes away. Sounded pretty cool.

It made me think of my Monosnipe game type. Giving the snipers active cammo would definately change that game. It would actually make sniping the snipers a lot harder and I might spend less time looking at my corpse that way.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

The Dealth Penalty

Idea: The more you die, the more lower your score.

I jumped into a game a few weeks back called "don't die to win". It was FFA slayer, with the Slayer Options : Death Point Loss option turned on. The game was on Relic and one guy sat up on pelican hill with the human sniper holding target practice. No body could even get near him.

But in spite of an overall shity experience, I decided to roll my own game based on the same idea. The Death Point Loss option is on, so don't stick you head round that corner if your guns aren't loaded. Be careful with that rocket launcher and your grenades, because Suicide Point Loss is also on. Just so you have a chance of redeeming youself, Bonus Points are on.

Match Options
  • Number of Rounds=1
  • Score to Win Round=25
  • Round Time Limit=None
  • Rounds Reset Map=Off
  • Resolve Ties=On
Player Options
  • Max Active Players=16
  • Lives Per Round=Unlimited
  • Respawn Time=5 seconds
  • Suicide Penalty=15 seconds
  • Shield Type=Off
  • Motion Sensor=On
  • Active Camo=Off
  • Extra Damage=Off
  • Damage Resistance=Off
Team Options
  • Team Play=off
  • Team Scoring=N/A
  • Team Changing=N/A
  • Friendly Fire=N/A
  • Respawn Time Modifier=N/A
  • Betrayal Penalty=N/A
  • Force Even Teams=N/A
Vehicle Options
  • Vehicle Respawn Time=No Respawn
  • Primary Light Vehicle=None
  • Secondary Light Vehicle=None
  • Primary Heavy Vehicle=None
  • Banshee=Off
  • Primary Turret=Random
  • Secondary Turret=Random
Equipment Options
  • Starting Weapon=Map Default
  • Secondary Weapon=Map Default
  • Starting Grenades=On
  • Weapons On Map=Map Default
  • Weapon Respawn Time=Map Default
  • Grenades On Map=On
  • Overshields=Off
  • Active Camouflage=Off
Slayer Options
  • Bonus Points=On
  • Suicide Point Loss=On
  • Death Point Loss=On

Thursday, September 29, 2005

More uses for Max Active Players

The tourny game types I posted previously are based on the Player Options : Max Active Players setting in custom Slayer games. But, you can also change just about any game to play like this. A few ideas:

A multiplayer game of Oddball where only two players are active at a time. 1-v-1 is one of my favorite way to play Oddball, but this would allow more people in the game.

A King of the Hill game like this would definately change your strategy. It might be better to breifly leave the hill to kill your opponent than just squat there and wait for them to come to you..

A Juggernaut match where the juggie only has to worry about one person a time. Might want to reduce the number of power ups that Juggernaut has. You'd also avoid those machine-gun juggie changes:

New Juggernaut!
New Juggernaut!
New Juggernaut!
New Juggernaut!

I'm going to have to try a few of these out and post the results.

Elimination Tournaments

In a previous post, I'd described a way to set up a sort of tournament in a custom Slayer game. One way tweak this is to set a limit on the number of lives each player has. So, it becomes an elimination tournament.

Thinking about calling a 1v1 touney w/ elimination "Royal Rumble". In the WWF, the royal rumble would start with two men in the ring and then send another person in every two minutes. In this game type, two players would start the match and fight until one was fragged. Then another player jump in. Who ever was left at the end of the match would win.

See this post for additional uses for the Max Active Players setting.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Slayer : Megadeth

AKA "How many bodies can you jam into a small space?"

This game type is just for thrills. FFA slayer with random weapons, grenades and no shields with ghosts and turrets thrown in just to be completely absurd.

Match Options
  • Number of Rounds=1
  • Score to Win Round=100
  • Round Time Limit=10 minutes
  • Rounds Reset Map=Off
  • Resolve Ties=Off
Player Options
  • Max Active Players=16
  • Lives Per Round=Unlimited
  • Respawn Time=3 seconds
  • Suicide Penalty=None
  • Shield Type=Off
  • Motion Sensor=On
  • Active Camo=Off
  • Extra Damage=On
  • Damage Resistance=Off
Team Options
  • Team Play=off
  • Team Scoring=N/A
  • Team Changing=N/A
  • Friendly Fire=N/A
  • Respawn Time Modifier=N/A
  • Betrayal Penalty=N/A
  • Force Even Teams=N/A
Vehicle Options
  • Vehicle Respawn Time=Map Default
  • Primary Light Vehicle=Ghost
  • Secondary Light Vehicle=Ghost
  • Primary Heavy Vehicle=None
  • Banshee=Off
  • Primary Turret=Random
  • Secondary Turret=Random
Equipment Options
  • Starting Weapon=Random
  • Secondary Weapon=Random
  • Starting Grenades=On
  • Weapons On Map=Random Set
  • Weapon Respawn Time=Map Default
  • Grenades On Map=On
  • Overshields=Off
  • Active Camouflage=Off
Slayer Options
  • Bonus Points=On
  • Suicide Point Loss=Off
  • Death Point Loss=Off
  • Fun

Friday, September 02, 2005

The value of custom games

I'm going to start adding what I'm call values to my custom games. This is to communicate the goal I was trying accomplish when coming up with the game.

I got this idea after listening to an interview with Overswarm on the Podtactular! pod cast. He talked about how if you want to be good on multi player, playing Big Team Battle, Team Skirmish or even Team Slayer isn't going to help you. You need to play Rumble Pit if want to rule the school. Once your skills are thoroughly honed, then you can move on to bigger and better things. So, this identified for me a value in individual ability.

For example of how values would work, take a look at the game I just posted, CTF: Swarm. It has the values "Stealth", "Ranged Weapons" and "Map Knowledge". Hopefully, playing this custom game will not only be fun, but also improve the participants' skill with rifles, increase their sneakiness and teach them how to make better use of the game environments.

Also, this will also help to categorize the game types. So, suppose you're looking for custom game types to improve team work. One of the values I'm going to use is "Team Work" and one of the games that would be marked with this value is Weakest Link.

Of course, "Fun" is a value and some of these game types will be marked as such.

CTF: Swarm

A single person or a very small team must defend the flag against overwhelming odds. The attackers have to move on foot across a large map with only short range weapons. Defenders have long range weapons. Attackers must capture three flags in 10 minutes. Defenders must simply prevent capture of the flag.

Set up the teams so that there is one or two people on the defending team and
everyone else on the attacking team. The attacking team may only use the shotgun. The defending team may use anything they can get their hands on.

Match Options:
  • Number of Rounds: 1
  • Score to Win Round: 3
  • Round Time Limit: 10 minutes
  • Rounds Reset Map: Off
  • Resolve Ties: On
Player Options:
  • Max Active Players: 16
  • Lives Per Round: Unlimited
  • Respawn Timer: 5 seconds
  • Suicide Penalty: 5 seconds
  • Shield Type: No shields
  • Motion Sensor: On
  • Active Camo: Off
  • Extra Damage: Off
  • Damage Resistance: On
Team Options:
  • Team Changing: On
  • Friendly Fire: On
  • Respawn Time Modifier: None
  • Betrayal Penalty: 10 seconds
  • Force Even Teams: Off
Equipment Options:
  • Starting Weapons: Shotgun
  • Secondary Weapons: None
  • Starting Grenades: Off
  • Weapons On Map: Rifles
  • Weapon Respawn Time: Map Default
  • Grenades on Map: Off
  • Overshields: Off
  • Active Camouflage: Off
Capture the Flag Options:
  • Flag Type: 1 Flag CTF
  • Sudden Death: On
  • Flag At Home To Score: Off
  • Flag Touch Return: On
  • Flag Reset Time: 10 seconds
  • Slow With Flag: Off
  • Flag Hit Damage: Massive
  • Damage Resistance: Off
  • Active Camouflage: Off
  • Vehicle Operation: Off
  • Flag Indicator: Always On
No vehicles, turrets, etc

  • coagulation
  • containment
  • relic
  • burial mounds
  • waterworks
  • Stealth
  • Ranged Weapons
  • Map Knowledge

Monday, August 29, 2005

Juggernaut : Predator

ChromeRatt: Modified the style of this post to match the others.

The idea is to promote teamwork and be as true to the first movie as possible: a hairy-scary invisible monster from hell with superior firepower easily slaughtering ill-equipped humans with style. Too bad there's no way to rip out spines in Halo2. ;-)

Match Options

  • Number of Rounds: First to 2
  • Score to Win Round: 25 or 50
  • Round Time Limit: 10 minutes
  • Rounds Reset Map: Yes
  • Resolve Ties: Yes
Player Options
  • Max Active Players:16
  • Lives Per Round:Unlimited
  • Respawn Timer: 5 seconds
  • Suicide Penalty: 10 seconds
  • Shield Type: None
  • Motion Sensor: Off
  • Active Camo: Off
  • Extra Damage: Off
  • Damage Resistance: On
Team Options
  • Team Play: N/A
  • Team Scoring: N/A
  • Team Changing:
  • Friendly Fire:
  • Respawn Time Modifier: N/A
  • Betrayal Penalty: N/A
  • Force Even Teams: N/A
Vehicle Options
  • Vehicle Respawn Time: Default
  • Primary Light Vehicle: None
  • Secondary Light Vehicle: None
  • Primary Heavy Vehicle: None
  • Banshee: None
  • Primary Turret: None
  • Secondary Turret: None
Equipment Options
  • Starting Weapons: Energy Sword
  • Secondary Weapons: Rocket Launcher
  • Starting Grenades: On
  • Weapons On Map: Human
  • Weapon Respawn Time: Normal
  • Grenades on Map: Off
  • Overshields: Off
  • Active Camouflage: Off
Juggernaut Options
  • Betrayal Point Loss: On
  • Juggernaut Extra Damage: On
  • Juggernaut Infinate Ammo: On
  • Juggernaut Overshield: On
  • Juggernaut Active Camo: On
  • Juggernaut Motion Sensor: On
  • Juggernaut Movement: Fast
  • Juggernaut Damage Resistence: On
Maps: Small

Favorite Taunts: "Kill me! I'm here!" and "Want some candy?"

If the players don't work together they will have NO chance at all. You could play this on a large map, but it will be harder for the players to get together to make a team effort/take a stand against the predator because they'll be spread out.

I also like the players using brute shots (grenade launcher) for this, but that makes it a little too easy IMHO.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Slayer: 1v1 and 2v2 Tournaments

This variant uses the Max Active Players option, which I've never seen used before in other games. It works as a throttle on the number of people actually in play at one time. In FFA games, it is the total number of active players. For Team Slayer games, it is the number of people on each team that are active.

It works similar to the Force Even Teams option. Anyone who is not active sits out and watches the game as a spectator. The same way you'd watch in an elimination game after you've been killed.

The lowest setting is 2. So there are actually two game types here. In FFA it would be 1v1 and for team slayer you get a 2v2 game. You can of course increase the number to somehting other than two. But the in and out nature of this game type introduces a kind of enthusiasm I haven't seen in other team slayer games.

I tried this last night with a group of 8 people in 2 teams of 4 on Warlock. It played pretty well and was generally accepted by everyone.

To set up the games, I just selected the standard Team Slayer game type, renamed it 2v2 Tournament and changed the Max Active Players to 2. I also created a 1v1 Tournament based on FFA Slayer in the same way.

As a possible tweak, I want to experiment with the cycling choice on the Team Options : Respawn Time Modifier option. This is supposed to make players "respawn together at fixed intervals". Don't know exactly what that means, but I'd like to how it effects game play.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Other custom game sites is really been good about posting news articels about comminuty sites. Two of my favorites are the PraetoriaGuard's site Halo 2 Game Types and the Halo2 Multiplayer Knowledge Repository. The first is an index of custom game types that anyone can contribute to, comment on and vote on. The second is wiki full of stratategy, idea, weapon info, map info and gobs of other stuff about multiplier H2.

The PraetoriaGuard has a lot of great game types. I'll be linking to my favorites here. This one is currently on the top of their list and it looks like fun. Zombie Safehouse.

Territories: Long Range Plans

This is basically a Territories and Snipers cross. Normally with a Territories game, you have to sit on the flag to protect it and your opponent will rush in and try to blast you off the spot. But with long rang plans, that all changes. You can protect a territory and without even being near it. Just grab control of one or two territories and then fall back to a sniping position where you can see both sites.

I've played this with three idependent players on Containment with 10 minutes to win. It worked pretty well. It needs some more play time to polish it off.

Match Options:
  • Number of Rounds: 1
  • Score to Win Round: 10 Minutes
  • Round Time Limit: 25 minutes
  • Rounds Reset Map: Off
  • Resolve Ties: On
Player Options:
  • Max Active Players: 16
  • Lives Per Round: Unlimited
  • Respawn Timer: 5 seconds
  • Suicide Penalty: 5 seconds
  • Shield Type: Normal Sheilds
  • Motion Sensor: Off
  • Active Camo: Off
  • Extra Damage: Off
  • Damage Resistance: Off
Team Options:
  • Team Changing: On
  • Friendly Fire: On
  • Respawn Time Modifier: None
  • Betrayal Penalty: 10 seconds
  • Force Even Teams: Off
Equipment Options:
  • Starting Weapons: Human Sniper
  • Secondary Weapons: Beam Rifle
  • Starting Grenades: Off
  • Weapons On Map: Sniper
  • Weapon Respawn Time: Map Default
  • Grenades on Map: Off
  • Overshields: Off
  • Active Camouflage: Off
Territory Options:
  • Territory Count: 8 Territories
  • Contest Time: 15 Seconds
  • Control Time: 10 Seconds
  • Containment
  • Coagulation
  • Sanctuary - the line of sight is pretty broken up here, but with the great vertical features on this map it could be interesting.
  • Sniping
Additional Notes:
  • The maximum number of territories is eight, but the most I've ever seen on one map is five.
  • You'll want to adjust the time to win based on number of players / teams.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Slayer: Weakest Link

There are three ways to calculate the score for the Team Slayer game type:

Team Options: Team Scoring:
  • Sum - this is the one eveyone is used to, every ones kills contribute to the team score
  • Minimum - the team's score is the lowest score of all team members
  • Maximum - the team's score is the highest score of all team members
Weakest Link is just like regular Team Slayer, except that is uses the second scoring option. The game's not over until EVERYONE on your team has 25 kills. That sounds a little brutal now that I think about it. Might want to dial the number of kills needed to 5 or 10.

  • Team Work
  • Individual Skill

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

CTF: Blood of Heroes

Same as with the Oddball variant but as neutral flag CTF. Basically everyone starts with a magnum and that's it. You go out in the open, get the flag and hope you don't get killed. Save that ammo, though, because the only rounds you'll pick up are going to come off of corpses.

Probably best to play this one like the Secret Service on the President. The flag runner heads back to base and the rest of the team acts a like a human shield to protect him.

Match Options:
  • Number of Rounds: first to 3
  • Score to Win Round: 1
  • Round Time Limit: 5 minutes
  • Rounds Reset Map: Off
  • Resolve Ties: On
Player Options:
  • Max Active Players: 16
  • Lives Per Round: Unlimited
  • Respawn Timer: 5 seconds
  • Suicide Penalty: 5 seconds
  • Shield Type: No shields
  • Motion Sensor: Off
  • Active Camo: Off
  • Extra Damage: Off
  • Damage Resistance: On
Team Options:
  • Team Changing: On
  • Friendly Fire: On
  • Respawn Time Modifier: None
  • Betrayal Penalty: 10 seconds
  • Force Even Teams: Off
Equipment Options:
  • Starting Weapons: Magnum
  • Secondary Weapons: None
  • Starting Grenades: Off
  • Weapons On Map: None
  • Weapon Respawn Time: Map Default
  • Grenades on Map: Off
  • Overshields: Off
  • Active Camouflage: Off
Capture the Flag Options:
  • Flag Type: Neutral Flag
  • Sudden Death: On
  • Flag At Home To Score: Off
  • Flag Touch Return: Off
  • Flag Reset Time: 10 seconds
  • Slow With Flag: On
  • Flag Hit Damage: Massive
  • Damage Resistance: Off
  • Active Camouflage: Off
  • Vehicle Operation: Off
  • Flag Indicator: Always On
No vehicles, turrets, etc

  • Fun
  • Weapon proficiency
  • Team Work
Additional Notes:
Played this 2v2 on Warlock and it really demonstrates the value of coordination and adaptibility. The team mates really need to be of a single mind in the opening seconds so the can attack effectively and get their hand on the flag. Then they need to adapt quickly to get the flag home, especially if one has died.

King of the Hill: Steadfast

In a normal game of KotH, you have to hold the hill for 2 minutes to win. In this game, the principle is reversed. The period of time for a round is fixed and the score to win is unlimited. So whoever kick everyone else of the hill and rack up the most control time inside of five minute wins.

Just to make things even more interesting, all you have is shot guns. This keeps it nice and bloody as well as making sure people can't affect the game while sitting at a distance with long range weapons. Ditto no grenades.

Also consider having no shields, extra damage and multiple rounds to keep it interesting.

Need to flesh this out with the full menu of settings...

Match Options:
  • Number of Rounds to win:1
  • Score to win round: Unlimitted
  • Round Time Limit: 5 minutes
Equipment Options:
  • Starting Weapons: Shotgun
  • Secondary Weapons: None
  • Starting Grenades: Off
  • Weapons On Map: None
  • Grenages On Map: None
  • Oversheilds, Active Camo: Off
King of the Hill Options:
  • Uncontested Hill: On
  • Moving Hill: Off
  • Team Hill Multiplier: Off
  • Extra Damage: Off
  • Damage Resistance: Off
  • Active Camo On Hill: Off
No teams and no Vehicle / Turrets

King of the Hill: Abattoir

From Monty Python's Flying Circus, The Architect Sketch:
    This is a 12-story block combining classical neo-Georgian features with the efficiency of modern techniques. The tenants arrive here and are carried along the corridor on a conveyor belt in extreme comfort, past murals depicting Mediterranean scenes, towards the rotating knives. The last twenty feet of the corridor are heavily soundproofed. The blood pours down these chutes and the mangled flesh slurps into these...
This is the effect we're going for with this game variant. Imagine trying to hold the center square on Lockout while your opponents lunge at you with energy swords. Two words: Bloody.

Player Options:
  • Max Active Players: 16
  • Lives Per Round: Unlimited
  • Respawn Timer: 5 seconds
  • Suicide Penalty: 5 seconds
  • Shield Type: Normal Shields
  • Motion Sensor: Off
  • Active Camo: Off
  • Extra Damage: Off
  • Damage Resistance: Off
Equipment Options:
  • Primary starting weapon: Energy Sword
  • Secondary starting weapon: None
  • Weapons on map: None
  • Starting grenades: No
  • Grenages on map: No
  • Overshields: No
  • Active Camo: No
Match Option:
  • Hold hill for 30 seconds
  • First to 3 rounds

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Oddball: Blood of heroes

game type: team oddball
victory: hold the ball one minute, best of 5 rounds
sheilds: none
mega damage with ball: on
weapons: magnums

The name comes from a Rutger Hauer movie that centers on a sport where the main idea is to kill the guy with the ball. Sound familiar?

The idea behind this game type is to get as much close quarter action and flowing blood as possible. The short ball time and increased number of rounds would hopefully make it feel like a real sporting event.

Oddball: Team Rollerball Fast

Same as Team Rollerball but with the following changes:

number of balls: 3
ball carrier can drive vehicles: on
ball marker: on when dropped
victory: controll the ball for one minute, first to three rounds

With more than one ball, I like having the ball marker off. Forces everyone to mill around a little more. Having teams and letting the ball carrier drive balances it out though. If you don't have the ball and see someone on the other team, chances are pretty good that they have it.

Coag and Burial Mounds are really the only maps that have enough room for warthogs, though they can be pretty fun on Foundation. Hmm....

Oddball: Team Rollerball

Same as Rollerball with the following changes:

victory: hold the ball for one minute, first to win two rounds
ball carrier can drive vehicles: off

This forces more team support, but may leave the ball carrier high and dry.

Oddball: Rollerball

game type: Oddball
victory: two minutes
weapons: not sure here. either default, rockets, or random. need to experiment.
maps: coagulation, burial mounds
light vehicles: all warthogs
tanks/banshee: none
turrents: none
grenades: default
shields: none
ball marker: always on
ball carrier can drive vehicles: on
vehicle respawns: fast

I haven't tried this yet, but want to give it a stab at some point. The obvious flaw is that some one could hide in a cave or base with the ball. I think having the option of hoping in a warthog would warrant some experimentation.

Also, I'm not sure which selection makes vehicles respawn faster. Any insight would be appreciated.

Oddball roxors

Oddball is my favorite game type outside of Big Team Battle. It's always chaotic and any one can win any given game. One option that I've never played with is the option to let the ballcarrier drive a vehicle. Th next few posts are oddball games that use this option.

CTF: Monosnipe

Got this one from the Bungie Hump Day Challenge. We also tried it out on BIP inc. and had a blast. Run out, grab the flag and try to stay alive while you carry it back to your base. To quote Connor McCloud, "Don't loose you head".

Match Options:
  • Number of Rounds:1
  • Score to Win Round: 3
  • Round Time Limit: Unlimited
  • Rounds Reset Map: On
  • Resolve Ties: On
Player Options:
  • Max Active Players: 16
  • Lives Per Round: Unlimited
  • Respawn Timer: 5 seconds
  • Suicide Penalty: 5 seconds
  • Shield Type: Normal shields
  • Motion Sensor: On
  • Active Camo: Off
  • Extra Damage: Off
  • Damage Resistance: Off
Team Options:
  • Team Changing: On
  • Friendly Fire: On
  • Respawn Time Modifier: None
  • Betrayal Penalty: 10 seconds
  • Force Even Teams: Off
No vehicles / turrets

Equipment options:
  • Starting Weapons: Sniper rifle
  • Secondary Weapons: Beam Rifle
  • Starting Grenades: Off
  • Weapons On Map: Sniping
  • Weapon Respawn Time: Halftime
  • Grenades on Map: Off
  • Overshields: Off
  • Active Camouflage: Off
Capture the Flag Options:
  • Flag Type: Neutral Flag
  • Sudden Death: Off
  • Flag At Home To Score: Off
  • Flag Touch Return: Off
  • Flag Reset Time: 5 seconds
  • Slow With Flag: On
  • Flag Hit Damage: Normal
  • Damage Resistance: Off
  • Active Camouflage: Off
  • Vehicle Operation: Off
  • Flag Indicator: Always On

The HDC game was on Collosus, and BIP inc has played it on that map as well. Always fun.

I think Coag would probably work, and be pretty bloody. The lines of sight are pretty open, but the rolling hills and rock outcrops could give some cover on the race back to your base.

The lines of sight are to restricted on Waterworks for it to really work there.

Containment could work, since the flag would start out in the open. Once it was picked up, the runner would probably drop down into the gulley and then into the tunnels. Once he was under cover, you'd have to run him down on foot.

CTF: untouchable

Another one from PIB inc. AKA "This one inferno"

game type: 1 flag CTF
victory: first to three
weapons: battles rifles & magnums
shields: none
weapons on map: shotguns
grenades: none
maps: foundation, lockout, midship, ascension
vehicles, turrents: none
players: 6 to 10

This game is fun as hell. With the battle rifles and no shields, every line of sight is a license to kill. Getting to and moving a flag is real challenge.

Slayer: Law and Order

Got this one from Inferno Shade. Thanks man.

game type: Slayer
kills: 25
weapons: magnums & shotguns
sheilds: none
grenades: none
weapons on map: battle rifles
maps: foundation, lockout, midship, ascension
vehicles, turrents: none

Always bloody, always fun.