Friday, September 02, 2005

The value of custom games

I'm going to start adding what I'm call values to my custom games. This is to communicate the goal I was trying accomplish when coming up with the game.

I got this idea after listening to an interview with Overswarm on the Podtactular! pod cast. He talked about how if you want to be good on multi player, playing Big Team Battle, Team Skirmish or even Team Slayer isn't going to help you. You need to play Rumble Pit if want to rule the school. Once your skills are thoroughly honed, then you can move on to bigger and better things. So, this identified for me a value in individual ability.

For example of how values would work, take a look at the game I just posted, CTF: Swarm. It has the values "Stealth", "Ranged Weapons" and "Map Knowledge". Hopefully, playing this custom game will not only be fun, but also improve the participants' skill with rifles, increase their sneakiness and teach them how to make better use of the game environments.

Also, this will also help to categorize the game types. So, suppose you're looking for custom game types to improve team work. One of the values I'm going to use is "Team Work" and one of the games that would be marked with this value is Weakest Link.

Of course, "Fun" is a value and some of these game types will be marked as such.

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