Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Slayer: Weakest Link

There are three ways to calculate the score for the Team Slayer game type:

Team Options: Team Scoring:
  • Sum - this is the one eveyone is used to, every ones kills contribute to the team score
  • Minimum - the team's score is the lowest score of all team members
  • Maximum - the team's score is the highest score of all team members
Weakest Link is just like regular Team Slayer, except that is uses the second scoring option. The game's not over until EVERYONE on your team has 25 kills. That sounds a little brutal now that I think about it. Might want to dial the number of kills needed to 5 or 10.

  • Team Work
  • Individual Skill

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

CTF: Blood of Heroes

Same as with the Oddball variant but as neutral flag CTF. Basically everyone starts with a magnum and that's it. You go out in the open, get the flag and hope you don't get killed. Save that ammo, though, because the only rounds you'll pick up are going to come off of corpses.

Probably best to play this one like the Secret Service on the President. The flag runner heads back to base and the rest of the team acts a like a human shield to protect him.

Match Options:
  • Number of Rounds: first to 3
  • Score to Win Round: 1
  • Round Time Limit: 5 minutes
  • Rounds Reset Map: Off
  • Resolve Ties: On
Player Options:
  • Max Active Players: 16
  • Lives Per Round: Unlimited
  • Respawn Timer: 5 seconds
  • Suicide Penalty: 5 seconds
  • Shield Type: No shields
  • Motion Sensor: Off
  • Active Camo: Off
  • Extra Damage: Off
  • Damage Resistance: On
Team Options:
  • Team Changing: On
  • Friendly Fire: On
  • Respawn Time Modifier: None
  • Betrayal Penalty: 10 seconds
  • Force Even Teams: Off
Equipment Options:
  • Starting Weapons: Magnum
  • Secondary Weapons: None
  • Starting Grenades: Off
  • Weapons On Map: None
  • Weapon Respawn Time: Map Default
  • Grenades on Map: Off
  • Overshields: Off
  • Active Camouflage: Off
Capture the Flag Options:
  • Flag Type: Neutral Flag
  • Sudden Death: On
  • Flag At Home To Score: Off
  • Flag Touch Return: Off
  • Flag Reset Time: 10 seconds
  • Slow With Flag: On
  • Flag Hit Damage: Massive
  • Damage Resistance: Off
  • Active Camouflage: Off
  • Vehicle Operation: Off
  • Flag Indicator: Always On
No vehicles, turrets, etc

  • Fun
  • Weapon proficiency
  • Team Work
Additional Notes:
Played this 2v2 on Warlock and it really demonstrates the value of coordination and adaptibility. The team mates really need to be of a single mind in the opening seconds so the can attack effectively and get their hand on the flag. Then they need to adapt quickly to get the flag home, especially if one has died.

King of the Hill: Steadfast

In a normal game of KotH, you have to hold the hill for 2 minutes to win. In this game, the principle is reversed. The period of time for a round is fixed and the score to win is unlimited. So whoever kick everyone else of the hill and rack up the most control time inside of five minute wins.

Just to make things even more interesting, all you have is shot guns. This keeps it nice and bloody as well as making sure people can't affect the game while sitting at a distance with long range weapons. Ditto no grenades.

Also consider having no shields, extra damage and multiple rounds to keep it interesting.

Need to flesh this out with the full menu of settings...

Match Options:
  • Number of Rounds to win:1
  • Score to win round: Unlimitted
  • Round Time Limit: 5 minutes
Equipment Options:
  • Starting Weapons: Shotgun
  • Secondary Weapons: None
  • Starting Grenades: Off
  • Weapons On Map: None
  • Grenages On Map: None
  • Oversheilds, Active Camo: Off
King of the Hill Options:
  • Uncontested Hill: On
  • Moving Hill: Off
  • Team Hill Multiplier: Off
  • Extra Damage: Off
  • Damage Resistance: Off
  • Active Camo On Hill: Off
No teams and no Vehicle / Turrets

King of the Hill: Abattoir

From Monty Python's Flying Circus, The Architect Sketch:
    This is a 12-story block combining classical neo-Georgian features with the efficiency of modern techniques. The tenants arrive here and are carried along the corridor on a conveyor belt in extreme comfort, past murals depicting Mediterranean scenes, towards the rotating knives. The last twenty feet of the corridor are heavily soundproofed. The blood pours down these chutes and the mangled flesh slurps into these...
This is the effect we're going for with this game variant. Imagine trying to hold the center square on Lockout while your opponents lunge at you with energy swords. Two words: Bloody.

Player Options:
  • Max Active Players: 16
  • Lives Per Round: Unlimited
  • Respawn Timer: 5 seconds
  • Suicide Penalty: 5 seconds
  • Shield Type: Normal Shields
  • Motion Sensor: Off
  • Active Camo: Off
  • Extra Damage: Off
  • Damage Resistance: Off
Equipment Options:
  • Primary starting weapon: Energy Sword
  • Secondary starting weapon: None
  • Weapons on map: None
  • Starting grenades: No
  • Grenages on map: No
  • Overshields: No
  • Active Camo: No
Match Option:
  • Hold hill for 30 seconds
  • First to 3 rounds