Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Oddball: Blood of heroes

game type: team oddball
victory: hold the ball one minute, best of 5 rounds
sheilds: none
mega damage with ball: on
weapons: magnums

The name comes from a Rutger Hauer movie that centers on a sport where the main idea is to kill the guy with the ball. Sound familiar?

The idea behind this game type is to get as much close quarter action and flowing blood as possible. The short ball time and increased number of rounds would hopefully make it feel like a real sporting event.

Oddball: Team Rollerball Fast

Same as Team Rollerball but with the following changes:

number of balls: 3
ball carrier can drive vehicles: on
ball marker: on when dropped
victory: controll the ball for one minute, first to three rounds

With more than one ball, I like having the ball marker off. Forces everyone to mill around a little more. Having teams and letting the ball carrier drive balances it out though. If you don't have the ball and see someone on the other team, chances are pretty good that they have it.

Coag and Burial Mounds are really the only maps that have enough room for warthogs, though they can be pretty fun on Foundation. Hmm....

Oddball: Team Rollerball

Same as Rollerball with the following changes:

victory: hold the ball for one minute, first to win two rounds
ball carrier can drive vehicles: off

This forces more team support, but may leave the ball carrier high and dry.

Oddball: Rollerball

game type: Oddball
victory: two minutes
weapons: not sure here. either default, rockets, or random. need to experiment.
maps: coagulation, burial mounds
light vehicles: all warthogs
tanks/banshee: none
turrents: none
grenades: default
shields: none
ball marker: always on
ball carrier can drive vehicles: on
vehicle respawns: fast

I haven't tried this yet, but want to give it a stab at some point. The obvious flaw is that some one could hide in a cave or base with the ball. I think having the option of hoping in a warthog would warrant some experimentation.

Also, I'm not sure which selection makes vehicles respawn faster. Any insight would be appreciated.

Oddball roxors

Oddball is my favorite game type outside of Big Team Battle. It's always chaotic and any one can win any given game. One option that I've never played with is the option to let the ballcarrier drive a vehicle. Th next few posts are oddball games that use this option.

CTF: Monosnipe

Got this one from the Bungie Hump Day Challenge. We also tried it out on BIP inc. and had a blast. Run out, grab the flag and try to stay alive while you carry it back to your base. To quote Connor McCloud, "Don't loose you head".

Match Options:
  • Number of Rounds:1
  • Score to Win Round: 3
  • Round Time Limit: Unlimited
  • Rounds Reset Map: On
  • Resolve Ties: On
Player Options:
  • Max Active Players: 16
  • Lives Per Round: Unlimited
  • Respawn Timer: 5 seconds
  • Suicide Penalty: 5 seconds
  • Shield Type: Normal shields
  • Motion Sensor: On
  • Active Camo: Off
  • Extra Damage: Off
  • Damage Resistance: Off
Team Options:
  • Team Changing: On
  • Friendly Fire: On
  • Respawn Time Modifier: None
  • Betrayal Penalty: 10 seconds
  • Force Even Teams: Off
No vehicles / turrets

Equipment options:
  • Starting Weapons: Sniper rifle
  • Secondary Weapons: Beam Rifle
  • Starting Grenades: Off
  • Weapons On Map: Sniping
  • Weapon Respawn Time: Halftime
  • Grenades on Map: Off
  • Overshields: Off
  • Active Camouflage: Off
Capture the Flag Options:
  • Flag Type: Neutral Flag
  • Sudden Death: Off
  • Flag At Home To Score: Off
  • Flag Touch Return: Off
  • Flag Reset Time: 5 seconds
  • Slow With Flag: On
  • Flag Hit Damage: Normal
  • Damage Resistance: Off
  • Active Camouflage: Off
  • Vehicle Operation: Off
  • Flag Indicator: Always On

The HDC game was on Collosus, and BIP inc has played it on that map as well. Always fun.

I think Coag would probably work, and be pretty bloody. The lines of sight are pretty open, but the rolling hills and rock outcrops could give some cover on the race back to your base.

The lines of sight are to restricted on Waterworks for it to really work there.

Containment could work, since the flag would start out in the open. Once it was picked up, the runner would probably drop down into the gulley and then into the tunnels. Once he was under cover, you'd have to run him down on foot.

CTF: untouchable

Another one from PIB inc. AKA "This one inferno"

game type: 1 flag CTF
victory: first to three
weapons: battles rifles & magnums
shields: none
weapons on map: shotguns
grenades: none
maps: foundation, lockout, midship, ascension
vehicles, turrents: none
players: 6 to 10

This game is fun as hell. With the battle rifles and no shields, every line of sight is a license to kill. Getting to and moving a flag is real challenge.

Slayer: Law and Order

Got this one from Inferno Shade. Thanks man.

game type: Slayer
kills: 25
weapons: magnums & shotguns
sheilds: none
grenades: none
weapons on map: battle rifles
maps: foundation, lockout, midship, ascension
vehicles, turrents: none

Always bloody, always fun.