Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Slayer: Weakest Link

There are three ways to calculate the score for the Team Slayer game type:

Team Options: Team Scoring:
  • Sum - this is the one eveyone is used to, every ones kills contribute to the team score
  • Minimum - the team's score is the lowest score of all team members
  • Maximum - the team's score is the highest score of all team members
Weakest Link is just like regular Team Slayer, except that is uses the second scoring option. The game's not over until EVERYONE on your team has 25 kills. That sounds a little brutal now that I think about it. Might want to dial the number of kills needed to 5 or 10.

  • Team Work
  • Individual Skill


Brian Surratt said...

Tried this 2v2 on Beaver Creak and Lockout, 10 frags to win. It worked pretty well, definately changed the way I moved around the map.

I got my ten frags pretty quickly, but my parter took a little longer. I tried to give him fire support as he went for kills, taking down the opponent's shields with a plasma rifle / pistol. On Beaver Creek, my partner was doing a lot of sniping, so I tried to control the rocket lancher.

This was pretty fun 2v2, but I'd like to try it with more people.

PEZ said...

This is an excellent game type. We call it TEAMWork Slayer, but I think Weakest Link is a better name. We run it to 15 most often. Gives the teams time to find a working strategy other than "PEZ, start killing damn it!"

Great Blog this is BTW.